Autor: Jimena González Sanz.
Welcome everybody to the English section of this magazine. Hope you enjoyed your Christmas vacations and you could spend some time to English. Today we are going to continue with EBAU.
We want to provide you some links where you can practice two of the three main parts of the English test: comprehension and use of English. At the end, we will focus on how to prepare the writing part.
To prepare the comprehension part you might need to spend some time reading. Remember we recommended you some websites to promote reading in the article with the same title a few months ahead. I strongly recommend you can use some of them and following websites in case you want to focus on the comprehension part: the British council offers you B1 level texts to practice this skill and also the webpage test English is a good one to do so.
The use of English can include several options like, filling in the gaps or rewriting sentences. We have found several webs were you can practice on line for free all these activities and get instant corrections. One of them is in this link, where you can practice tasks related to the exam preparation for the First certificate, a similar level to the one you will face in the EBAU test. Another one is
Finally the writing part is an essay 100-150 words about a given topic mainly related to the reading comprehension text provided at the beginning. A good essay structure has three basic parts: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Now you have to remember that there are four major types of essays depending on the purpose of each: Narrative Essays ( where the writer tells a story , for example about a real-life experience) , Descriptive Essays (where the writer might describe a person, place, object, or even memory of special significance. You will need to appeal to the reader’s emotions), Expository Essays (the writer presents a topic, using facts, statistics, examples and do not reveal their personal opinion) and the Persuasive Essays( where the writers main idea will be to Convince the reader.)
This is all for today. Work hard and be prepared, you have time to do and pass your exams with flying colours now you know what you are required! Hope it will be useful !
Jimena González Sanz.