Autor: Jimena González Sanz.
Welcome back to our section! Today I want to provide you some ideas that can make your summer one of the most exciting and allow you to make you the most of it while, obviously, improving your English!
“Summer English camps for youngsters” program. Every year Junta de Castilla y León offers summer courses for youngest between 10 and 30 years old. These courses offer sociocultural, formative and convivial activities. All of them are carried out in youth hostels or residences. You need to pay attention to the deadline time, which is normally between March and April. All the information is in: www.tramitacastillayleon.jcyl.es go to tramites y servicios and then to Programa “curso de inglés para jovenes verano.” www.juventud.jcyl.es/web/jcyl/Juventud/es/Plantilla100/1284710704239/_/_/_
Youth institute of Castilla y León (www.injuve.es/convocatorias/actividades/campamentos-verano-red-activa-2019-castilla-y-leon ) and the council of family and equal opportunities try to promote autonomy and alternatives for active and creative use of youngsters’ leisure time. So every year they offer a wide range of activities (multi adventure, nautical, sociocultural and educational, specially related to language learning) in Youth hostels/ residences or camps for youngsters and teens aged between 9 and 17. All camps offer lodging and meals. Many activities start in shifts by the end of June to August.
If you are passionate to go abroad, you can find information about many places online. One place you can check is www.languageinternational.com It is a search site for language courses where you can compare hundreds of courses in a glance.
Another one is www.esl.co.uk . They offer language courses for kids and teens between 7 and 17. This agency offers you accommodations (in residences, host families and shared apartments) in over 200 destinations to learn different languages. They have activities for children and adults too.
Finally, www.goabroad.com states in his website to be the “leading online search engine for international travel programs.” You can start your search and select the type of adventure you would like and the destination as well; once the filters are selected, you will be offered results that matches your needs. This website is useful because it can help you to save and compare programs if you create an account. However, if you do not want to create it you can read reviews and opinions of people, which actually have already taken the experiences.
This is all by now. Hope the info will be useful, you travel wise and to as many places, you can!
Jimena González Sanz